The residential space is slowly changing. According to studies, the usual residential lot is 25% smaller compared to lots many years ago. Because of this, it’s pretty normal for trees to not have enough space to grow properly.  

However, it does not mean you can’t plant trees anymore. There are still several trees that you can plant even if you’ve got a small lot. This is where we will help you. Today, we’re going to share with you several trees that you should plant and several trees you should avoid.  

When planting these trees, make sure you hire a tree service in Chandler AZ for help. 

Tuckeroo Tree 

People usually plant these trees as street trees around the coast. A tuckeroo tree is very easy to maintain. They typically grow between 8 to 15 meters high. That is why they’re appropriate for planting close to structures. A tuckeroo tree is a strong tree. It is not easily affected by diseases or pests. It is the ideal tree to plant near your home if you want to add more shade to your yard.  

Elaeocarpus Tree 

This tree is ideal for you if you want a low-maintenance tree. Usually, an Elaeocarpus tree can grow 5 to 10 meters high in residential areas. It is an excellent choice for planting near pathways, structures, and buildings. You can also use it as an appealing feature tree since it has dense and glossy foliage. Elaeocarpus trees grow well in coastal places. They’re one of the ideal trees to plant in tight areas.  

Lilly Pilly Tree 

This tree comes in a range of various species. You can plant it as a single tree or multiple ones to create a hedge. You can easily obtain a Lilly pilly tree since they’re readily available. You can shape it easily and they grow fast. So, if you’re a gardener, this might be an ideal choice for you. These trees are ideal for planting in courtyards and small lawns.  

Trees to Avoid Planting 

  • Poinciana Tree 

When in bloom, these trees are elegant. They have a beautiful wide-spanning canopy. Poinciana trees can be a huge asset to your property if you’ve got enough space. The key here is “enough space”. You will require a lot of room for their low and wide growing canopy to develop properly. Oftentimes, you will have to prune this tree if you plant it close to buildings or walkways.  

  • Tipuana Tree 

This tree can grow more than 25 meters high and 35 meters wide. That is why they’re ideal for shade. Unfortunately, the root system of a Tipuana tree can be extremely extensive. Thus, professionals don’t recommend planting it near pathways, underground utilities, and buildings.  

  • Fig Tree 

Fig trees are appealing if they have enough space to mature. However, they require a lot of room. The roots of a fig tree are extremely invasive. They can span huge areas. You should not plant a fig tree near houses or structures. Else, the roots will end up damaging them.